Colbún Lake is an artificial reservoir located in the Maule Region, Chile.
It was built between 1980 and 1985, with the objective of retaining the waters of the Maule River for use in hydroelectric plants and agricultural irrigation.
It shares territory between the communes of San Clemente, in the province of Talca, and Colbún, in the province of Linares. It has a capacity to store 1544 million cubic meters, which manages to generate much of the electricity we consume in our country.
In the summer period, its uncontaminated waters reach a temperature of 23 ° C due to the warm weather that exists during the summer months, creating the ideal panorama to enjoy family tourism. Its crystalline and contaminant-free waters come from the melting of the mountain range.
Being an artificial reservoir the water level fluctuates at different times of the year.
"Its crystal clear and contaminant-free waters come from the melting of the mountain range."